I'm like back.

poniedziałek, 16 kwietnia 2012


long time, no see. What a busy week! Easter is gone, this means lots of revisions with my students and so little free time for me. Nevertheless, I hope they appreciate the effort I put into lesson with them :D

The last couple of days I was completely focused on finishing my MA paper. The topic is quite interesting, though there is not so much information/sources about it so I simply have to rely on my intuition. The paper concerns the neologisms in AAVE and their coinage. I am analysing word formation processes in such words as bizo, chickenhead, bawla, playa, Crooklyn. By the end of May I shall finish this paper so if I come up with any inventory results, I'll post it here.

Except for the paper and lessons, I made my little 'field research' as far as the word 'like' is concerned. The thing about 'like' is that it is used more often than commas, practically means nothing and functions more as a filler if you are missing or looking for some words while speaking. For example: "Like I didn't know what to do so I talked to him and I'm like 'c'mon, are you with me or not?'".When I hear 'like' it makes me feel a little bit irritated, probably because I tend to use it as well. What is even more aggreviating is that an equivalent of 'like' entered the Polish language: when you listen to young people talking with their friends they constantly use the phrase 'tak jakby' and I would say it is a kind of loanword. It is as equally used as 'like': it doesn't carry any particular meaning and simply is just a filler. If there is anyone who is able to provide any examples from their own language of the words resembling 'like', feel free to post it in the comment box :)

Enjoy your day and take care :)

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