I don't like 'you'

środa, 4 kwietnia 2012

The title of this post doesn't apply to the readers of this blog, no worries. It's a citation from a very good blog where the author expresses his/her annoyance with the word 'you' in English. I agree with the author - it's one of the unique examples how one word, which is not a vulgar one, makes you feel awkward. I guess the majority of European languages includes pronouns which are used accordingly to the relation with the other speaker. In German if you talk to a friend you use 'du', but when your speaker is someone older or simply a stranger you'd rather go for using "Sie". The same happens in Polish: talking to a friend you may say 'ty', but a stranger or your boss will be addressed as "Pan" (male) or "Pani" (female). 

However, in English everybody is addressed as 'you' with the exception for "Sir" or "Madam", but you won't hear it too often in spoken English. One may say this makes the communication and studying the language easier, but from my experience this simple short word "you" causes way too much confusion. It's not only about some kind of unity or the ressistance in using pronouns underlining someone's importance. The confusion appears for example in spelling. As it was mentioned above, in German and in Polish the official pronouns 'you', that is 'Sie', 'Pan' and 'Pani', are spelt with a capital letter. In English hardly ever can you find texts with 'you' spelt in this way. The point isn't about protesting against the usage of 'you' but maybe we should think why in English there aren't too many official forms of pronouns expressing your respect to the other speaker. Once we completely stop using a particular word, it disappears from language and I believe that this is what may happen to "Sir" or "Madam". The question about the reasons why 'you' is sooo unified leads to an American sense of equality. Maybe the users of English don't use (or create?) official forms of 'you' as they simply don't want to highlight somebody's importance? It's just a guess so if anybody feels hurt, I'm sorry.

Feel free to leave a comment. Have a good day :)

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